14 Jan 2006

Stunts work in movies

Well, let me see. My last post was on 6th December. And I have reappeared after more than a month. There are several reasons for this errant behaviour.Firstly, I had left home for my vacations the next day. Now when I am at home, my forays into the cyber world become limited because I hate to dip into my pocket and sit at a cafĂ© at the rate of 20 bucks an hour. But staying away from updating the blog had me saddled with a guilty conscience. But a few days into the holidays I almost broke my shoulder trying   a dumb stunt .For about two weeks I was trussed up like a chicken. And since I live deep in mosquito country I could only watch helplessly at mosquitoes flying about merrily and alighting at places unreachable by my injured hand and barely reachable by my other arm if I was a master contortionist, which I am not. So the bastards nearly sucked me half dry. Upon reaching the hostel I found that half of my friends, both studying and working had heard about it and I was laughed at for being such a loony as to fall off my bicycle. However as I have a habit of laughing at myself such ribbing did not effect me. Moral of story-do not try stupid stunts on your own and learn to laugh at yourself,’coz grinning needs lesser effort than frowning. And while you are at it, indulge in an occasional guffaw now and then.

1 comment:

jainbikash said...

Hope u will recover very soon from your shoulder injury, which u have caused becoz of your own foolish stunt.

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