27 Feb 2008

Thoughts on spam

Have you lately looked at your spam folder? I mean not click on the links, but just look at the subject of the mails. Do you notice a trend here? I don't know about others but based on my regular observations I seem to have come to certain conclusions. Here are they:

  • The contract for spam has been awarded exclusively to peddlers of meds which increase the length of male reproductive organs, sellers of motivational CDs and lottery vendors who have discovered that I have won 5,000,000 pounds.
  • Spammers are sexist. They target only the male organ. Have they never heard of gender equality?
  • Spammers are not getting any convincing. All the mails which I have in my inbox that were flagged as spam display unoriginal ideas and shoddy language construction
Now before I proceed this is only on the basis of my experience. There might be spams that promise a woman bigger boobs or a more pleasurable orgasm, or there might be spams which look authentic enough to make you part with your hard earned cash. I don't know. What I do know is that spammers are pumping out more and more mails than ever before, and email services are fighting a losing battle against spam.

However the main danger is, in my opinion not these spam mails, but phished sites. Strange as it may seem, I have never used Netbanking, and I will be damned if I ever do. I am too paranoid these days after seeing how people can lose their money and get their accounts hacked. Why the other day there was this incident where a Nigerian national was arrested by the police. 25 HDFC accounts were hacked and there are no details of what happened to the money in those accounts. My guess is, they were cleaned out. Makes me all the more distrustful of the Internet. I will continue banking the old way, thank you.


Jeevan Baretto said...

Spams get irritating at times. Especially when you open your mailbox sitting with one of your professors. It happened to me the other day and pop came a new mail "increase your **** size .. crap !!".

About the phishing, yes even I am fed up with those viruses thing. My windows comp got screwed the other day and lost all my data. They say linux is safer and lets see to wat date will this statement hold good.

Anonymous said...

Spam receives only the unwanted messages and which we can delete them.Some times when inbox was full then also it will store in the spam..
increase the capacity of the inbox.. is better,,
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