12 Oct 2005

Stop playing with nature

Did you notice something about the year 2005.This year has seen more than its fair share of natural disasters vis-a-vis other years.I mean just look back to a few years and you will see what I mean.The year started with a massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean which affected millions.A fairly exhaustive account can be found here . Many are still picking up pieces of their former lives which would never be the same again.

Cut to August 2005. A hurricane named Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico which began from a category -4 to category-5 hurricane ripped through the US Gulf coast and caused extensive damages to New Orleans.Even though the event is pretty recent,this exhaustive article
would refresh our memories,which nowadays are getting sadly short termed .Just when the whole world was getting ready to aid US in relief and rescue operations,a even more extensive and stronger hurricane RIta was brewing up.Its affects were not as extensive as the previous one because the whole machinery was probably more prepared. But even then the ordeal was far from over.A tropical hurricane named Stan struck Central American.Even though it was a Category -1 hurricane it caused widespread deaths and property losses.For example a mudslide caused by heavy rains wiped out an entire village in Guatemala and killed at least 1000 people.And now a monsoon cyclone in the Bay Of Bengal Pyaar has struck Andhra Pradesh in India.

Coming to the topic of earthquakes this year has been a scene of unusual seismic activity most massive one was the undersea temblor that caused the tsunami.Its magnitude was about 9.3 on the Richter scale,making it a Rare Great Earthquake.This was followed by numerous others across the world.Take the recent quake in South East Asia which killed upwards of 40,000.And the toll is still rising.Till now there were 10 major earthquakes alone this year whose magnitudes measured above 7 0n the Richter scale.

We should ask ourselves what has caused this state of affairs.Granted that we cannot prevent nor predict earthquakes can only minimize their impact.But three major back to back hurricanes and that too approximately in the same region.Surely there is much more than a mere coincidence.I have a little theory of my own not have complete facts but maybe the excessive burning of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect has caused the natural balance in the atmosphere to go haywire.Katrina,Rita and the tsunami are only examples of nature's awesome power and man's helplessness.If we continue to act without sparing a thought for the future,the human race will be snuffed in a few hundred years from now.

1 comment:

jainbikash said...

Well, You have a great knowledge and the way you have enumerated all the catastrope is really remarkable. Keep doing baby, this makes us update our knowledge...

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